The Only way out is through. Let's step forward together.

Virtual Mental Health Counseling/Coaching for adults struggling with Narcissistic Abuse (NA)


English & Español
Text 412-447-8312 or email

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Mental health disorders are a continuum

Symptoms vary in their intensity, duration and frequency. Navigating domestic violence, chronic pain/illnesses and depression may be one of the most difficult things to experience. These kinds of clients feel isolated in their experience, confused and lonely. You don’t have to suffer in silence. Abuse happens to both men and women and therapists often miss the signs of psychological/emotional abuse due to its covert nature. I take extra caution to clarify and identify present or past psychological abuse ensuring nothing goes unresolved.

Attune, attune, attune! What is attunement?

According to Clinical Psychologist and NYT Bestselling Author of “Boundaries,” Dr. John Townsend, attunement is when loved ones just get us so well we don’t even need to explain ourselves. Attunement begins at birth with our primary caregiver and continues throughout life. However, even if the parent attunes well to their baby or toddler, maintaining that “tune” gets more difficult as a child grows into adulthood and develops into their own identity/ego state. Before my own therapy, I was ignorant to the effects of emotional neglect. Even the best parents and spouses that demonstrate attunement fall short in some capacity! The good news is  all humans are imperfect and there is no shame in addressing our/their shortcomings. Shame keeps its power when it is silenced. It can be challenging to confront but with a quality therapist, shame is embraced, addressed and then extinguished.  Only then, healing can begin.

Hi, I'm Jamie

I'm a mental health therapist in the state of PA and I specialize in Narcissistic Abuse. I am looking for those clients who are in the process or have cut off the narcissist completely. Whether it is/was your spouse or a parent(s), healing from the wounds these kinds of people cause can be the most difficult thing you've possibly ever experienced especially if you share children with this person. The resilience and strength of those who have been abused by a true narcissist fascinates me. I seek to help alleviate the suffering. There are therapists and counselors who understand you. I've helped hundreds of individuals through the most difficult decision they'll ever have to make or have made. I also treat those with a variety of other mental health symptoms.  

I speak English & Spanish. Si usted esta buscando apoyo emocional, aquí estoy para servirle.

Jamie Diaz-Smith, LPC-A

Learn more about Jamie